
Sibling Support Circle

When: In Person on 1st Tuesdays 5:30pm-7:00pm

Where: Webster Public Library 

980 Ridge Road | Webster, NY 14580

Facilitated by Kim Dooher, VP of Parents Helping Parents Coalition of Monroe County

This unique support circle focuses on providing siblings of children with special needs to have an opportunity to create a social circle with kids having similar experiences. Social activities will be child-led and food will be provided. All ages of siblings welcome, parents required to stay on premises. 

School-Age Circle

When: 4th Tuesdays 8-9pm Online

Facilitated by Dorothy Bauch-Barker

The School Age Support Circle is for parents with school age children seeking support with adjustments that accompany school age experiences. Parents can connect and share experiences and resources for supporting their children’s early childhood journey. This circle is virtual and offered twice per month.

Special Needs Parenting Support Circle

When: 2nd Wednesdays 8pm-9pm Online

Facilitated by Danielle Salamone, Kim Dooher, & Brittany Jencik of Parents Helping Parents Coalition of Monroe County

The EI/Special Ed Support Circle is for parents of children with special needs who are managing the many supports and services associated with their child. Parents can share experiences and resources that can help along the special education journey. This circle is virtual and offered once per month.

Parenting With Chronic Illness Circle

When: 2nd Thursdays 7pm-8pm Online

Facilitated by Katie Malarkey

This Support Circle is for parents who are living with and parenting through chronic illness. Parents can share experiences and connect with others who are also managing the same challenges. This circle is virtual and offered once per month.

Baby/Toddler Circle (on hold)

When: In Person on Thursdays 10am-11am

Where: Help With Feeding Office at 1151 Pittsford Victor Road, Suite 103 in Pittsford

Facilitated by Stacia Paganelli

The Baby/Toddler Support Circle is for parents with babies up to school age. Anyone can join, whether they find themselves in need of extra support, are looking for connection, or want to share their experience with others. This circle is in-person and offered weekly.

Life After NICU Circle (on hold)

When: 2nd Fridays 12pm-1pm Online

The Life After NICU Support Circle is for parents of children who required neonatal intensive care level of care after birth. This is an opportunity for parents to share their unique experience with others that can relate to the difficult adjustment of a NICU stay, and the residual special needs and disabilities that can follow. This circle is virtual; it is facilitated by a volunteer with professional expertise and offered once per month.

Out of the Blue Circle (on hold)

When: Virtual on Third Wednesdays 10am-11am


Facilitated by Jenny Mural

This Support Circle is for mothers experiencing stress/challenges in the perinatal journey from prenatal to postpartum. Whether mothers are going through stress, adjustment to parenting, pregnancy or postpartum depression or anxiety, this Circle offers a supportive place to connect with other moms who are also managing the same issues. This circle is facilitated by a volunteer with professional expertise and offered once per month.

If you are joining us for the first time, please complete these two forms before your first Circle (you only need to complete them once).